Sunday, June 27, 2010

राजनीति - The Dirty politics

Rajniti is a must see movie by Prakash Jha. It is a realistic movie.In the film , director has beautifully portrayed the character of men and women. I admire the writer and producer for wonderfully presenting the sad state of politics, the lure of power, the ignorance among common people,the sick mentality, misuse of power and money and the negligible role of women in society.

A woman [Bharti],who is fascinated by a man. She respects and trusts him . He takes undue advantage of her submission and leaves her pregnant. He runs away from her after making her life miserable.

Bharti who is rich, educated and independent in her views,rebelled against her father and joined the rival party. But she turns into ashes by the cruel mockery of someone loved and trusted by her. Her life ends with the decision of marrying and settling down without raising a voice against injustice done to her.

Another face of man is beautifully revealed when Samar ensures his elder brother's marriage with his own beloved for sake of money and power. He mocked her sentiments to achieve success in his dirty motives of gaining fund by her father and winning the election.

Here Indu [Katrina] is being used and traded by her father and lover. Later again they used her to save the party and asked her to take reigns of the political party which she accepts without resisting. The woman she portrayed is pathetic and disappointing. How and why she chose to be a puppet in the hands of a handful of men.

The three women,Bharti,Indu and Sarah were all rich and well educated, but badly used by the men [their own father ,brother and lover]. They allowed them to misuse them by going blind towards the filth they carried in their mind. The three of them compromised with the circumstances and gladly continued to live with the wolves in their respective families. These women who had all the riches on earth , couldn't contain the urge to stay away from luxuries, nor they anywhere tried to object the unfair games their family members were into. Indu accepted being an escape goat. The two rich and powerful families united at the cost of an innocent woman.

Why women are so dumb and naive? Why they do not bother to take their own decisions. Why they surrender before the wolves? As the movie progressed , men were all blinded by the money and power and they turned into criminals to retaliate the rivals. The revenge and lure of power was endless.

The pathetic state of women in our society is revealed beautifully. Since time immemorial, women were gifted, exchanged and married off shrewdly to achieve their hidden targets. Draupadi was kept on stake to win the game. Jodha was married to Akhbar, just to save the kingdom. Now after centuries even, the status of women is miserably similar. Indu type of women are made chief minister. Did she achieve this by her own caliber? How long women will continue living like slaves and being treated like commodity? Fathers, brothers and friends must stop trading their daughters and sisters.

In the movie Samar [Rajveer], returns from abroad and uses his intellect in playing with emotions and killing his own countrymen. Later when he lost the battle he returns to America to live in peace after playing Mahabharata in his own country. I wonder why such wolves come to India to make us more miserable and what our children are gaining by the education abroad? What kind of traitors we are nurturing? Damn ! The brain drain.

Sharing one more disturbing thought here. In the movie another bitter reality is revealed . Muslim voters are sold and the deal finalized in 50 crores. My question to my Muslim brothers and sisters,"How long they will be on sale , playing with the democracy of their own country India ?"

Giving rest to my thoughts with accolades to Prakash Jha.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ... i think you are right, this movie is not only dirty but also senseless !!!

  3. बढ़िया समीक्षा, आभार |

  4. @ Arth,

    I wonder why you deleted your own comment. On my blog, there is no moderation nor deletion. All are allowed to opine freely.

  5. अच्छा तो आपने भी देखी यह मूवी ! हाँ शुरू में ही प्रगतिवाद का भगोड़ा चेहरा दिखा जब नसरुद्दीन अभिनीत कामरेड किरदार ने नारी के उपभोग के बाद उसे त्याग दिया ..यह है क्षद्म बौद्धिकता का असली चेहरा ..सावधान नारी ....तुम भी गलतियां करती हो लोगों को पहचानने में ....और मन तन अर्पित करने को लालयित हो उठती हो ....
    बस इसी के बाद फिल्म झोल खा जाती है ....कुछ भी नया नहीं है फिल्म में ...महाभारत ,गाडफादर ,सरकार और कांग्रेस के परिवारवाद के जाने पहचाने दृश्य फलकों के समान्तर फिल्म चलती है -न कोई नया सन्देश है और न ही कोई नयी बात -सब कुछ घिसा पिटा और पूर्वाभासित !
    आज की नारी का एक प्रतिनिधित्व वह भी है जो चुनाव का टिकट हासिल करने के लिए अपने शरीर का खुल्लमखुल्ला इस्तेमाल करती है ....लेकिन अंततः राजनीति की दुरभिसंधियों की भेट चढ़ जाती है ...और दर्शकों की भी सहानुभूति भी नहीं पाती बे ...चा ...री ...!
    यह समीक्षा है या नारी पक्ष की सायास वकालत ?

  6. @-यह समीक्षा है या नारी पक्ष की सायास वकालत ?

    Arvind ji,

    iss Film mein naari ne sharmsaar kiya hai samast Nari jati ko.

    It is too disappointing to see women so weak and helpless.

  7. मैंने राजनीति देखी तो नहीं है । लेकिन सच की राजनीति तो रोज ही देखते हैं , हर क्षेत्र में । इसलिए अंदाज़ा लगाना मुश्किल नहीं है कि हकीकत की कितनी गंदगी दिखाई गई होगी इस फिल्म में ।

    सब जानते हैं , फिर भी पता नहीं कितना असर पड़ेगा लोगों पर ।

  8. दिव्या जी
    गहरा विश्लेषण है पर दिशा सही नहीं लग रही है
    एक ही फिल्म समाज का पूरा प्रतिबिम्ब नहीं दिखा सकती अगर आप शक्तिशाली रूप देखना चाहें तो फिल्म "ऐतराज" अवश्य देखें और उसकी समीक्षा करें
    भ्रष्टाचार और इमानदारी को जेंडर के आधार पर विभाजित नहीं किया जा सकता
    आपने सिर्फ एक और शिक्षित स्त्री को चर्चा में शामिल नहीं किया है , क्यों ??
    अजय देवगन के पात्र सूरज के बारे में कोई सहानुभूति नहीं है ??
    कर्ण के इतिहास से भी सीख नहीं ले रहा कोई तो क्या किया जाये ???

  9. क्या फिल्म ये नहीं कह रही की एक स्त्री की भूल ( तथाकथित समर्पण , अगर स्त्री करे तो, पुरुष करे तो दुराचार ) ने हमेशा से एक महाभारत को जन्म दिया है
    जिस तरह बम फटने से पहल ये नहीं देखता की वो स्त्री को घायल कर रहा है या पुरुष को उसी तरह मानवीय दुर्गुण या भूल से हुए दुष्प्रभाव भी व्यापक होते है

  10. स्त्री और पुरुष के ऊपर हम आपकी पिछली पोस्ट पर काफी बात कर चुके हैं

  11. @फिर फिल्म कैसे यथार्थवादी और अच्छी हुयी दिव्या जी ?
    प्रकाश झा से तो यह उम्मीद न थी ....

  12. Part 1 of 2

    Dearest ZEAL:

    I posted the comment and then on second thoughts removed it since I did not think it fit to decry your effort. At least you took quite some time to type out the story’s narration.

    I will skip the movie piece since it is just a distorted presentation of facts to create appeal in the masses. Movies are merely time-pass and only a rare of rare movie can really carry a message.

    This is a purely commercial movie and it is pointless to be so impressed about it. The director chose to show women in poor light with the sole view of playing to the gallery. The ‘box-office success’ of the movie justifies his judgment of the audiences pulse.

    And that it makes its way in a praising manner to a blog of a really true intellectual like you [as opposed to some pseudo-intellectuals who abound here] is shocking – to say the least.

    Coming to the more important and very pertinent point you raised towards the end of your blog.

    At the onset, I will clarify that these are my personal views and if someone finds them objectionable, well, it is their viewpoint. Whether they be taken as ‘it is easy to criticise’ or as stirring the proverbial hornet’s nest, my views are as they are being presented. I do not believe in being ‘Politically Correct’.

    The point I am going to talk on is about the selling out of votes, dearest ZEAL.

    Every government in India has come to power only when they were able to ‘buy-out’ the Muslims and the backward classes. And so will it be forever. Kuchh nahi badlegaa.

    Right from the time of our independence to the modern day, we have seen every government trying to appease these people. Be it in the form of presenting a backward class Bhimrao Ambedkar as the architect of our constitution to placing Abdul Kalam as president just to show to the world that we are indeed secular.

    Today, so many cities have a slum named after Ambedkar and his statue adorning the centre of it with a finger raised and other hand holding a book. Is that Our Constitution? I shudder with fear at the pathetic state of affairs.

    Abdul Kalam was a perfect choice for the government. Muslim. Extremely well educated. Imminently respected globally. Perfect billing to showcase to the world and that is what happened. Ghooshaa diyaa Raashtrapati Bhavan mein.

    At some other place, it is a backward class person who is made the Vice-President. All part of the charade of secularism.

    As such, in our form of Parliamentary Democracy, the President is merely a rubber-stamp. The position of Vice-President is even more dismal in significance.

    Finally, the government also realised that women as a ‘vote-bank’ also need to be appeased. So, after a Muslim, it is now a lady who is the President Of India.

    I am totally apolitical but I admire the tactical smartness of Congress. No wonder, they won the elections against all presumptions to the contrary. Yen Ken Prakaren.

  13. Part 2 of 2

    Their corruption and concept of ‘Buy-out the lower end and Muslim masses’ is taken in earnest right from the leadership board to the very grass-root level.

    There is a very practical reason for this.

    An Azaan of a Mufti of any Masjid has more people to come down on their knees than the Aarti of a Mahaaraaj in any Temple.

    In the former, people close their head and beyond prayers get led [rather, misled] by the words of the Fatwaa issuers.

    In the latter, people bow their head in reverence at the Aarti and then partake the Prasaad and leave. They are too wise to be led [or shall we say, misled] by the words of a cleric of God.

    Same is the case for backward classes. Their basic needs are not met with most of the times. And that comes cheap to the buyer. They influence a leader or rather create a puppet-leader of the so-called ‘down-trodden’ and he simply plays the part he is assigned to get the numbers he has been paid for. The backward class are also happy because for a black mark on the back of their index finger, they get a currency note of good value.

    The system is well-oiled and all are happy. Runs like clock-work. A spanner in the works thrown in by the brouhaha of intellectual debate is of no worry nor of any significance at all because the politicians know clearly that the backward class and Muslims respect and value the currency note more than the bauddhik vichaar-vimarsh. As simple as that.

    Today, in any election, urban voting is very low. Because the educated know their vote doesn’t count at all. Better they enjoy the well-deserved paid leave for something more worthwhile than to throng in a queue to get a black mark on the finger.

    Congress has many Muslim figureheads and even BJP tries to match it up with the likes of Sikandar Bakht being figured in their upper echelons. Sab vote-bank ki moh-maayaa hain.

    Talking of Muslims, in a slightly bigger perspective and in a general frame of reference, their religion is based on the might of the sword. They have always been plunderers, looters, usurpers. They have killed their own brothers and married their own sisters to keep the power unto themselves.

    Further more, they have never wanted their folk to be educated because they know – Knowledge leads to questioning and questions unanswered satisfactorily leads to rebellion.

    Oppression is their hallmark. All around the world, their only intent is to create mayhem. Every country has a Muslim menace to tackle.

    Even in our own country, in the Muslim locality of my city, crackers are burst in jubilation when Pakistan beats India in Cricket. Or, on any festive occasion, even religious ones of their own, there are ‘Chaand-taaraa’ flags brazenly strung all over their precincts.

    India mein rehte hain aur jhandaa Pakistan kaa lehraate firte hain. Maggots.

    The Muslim leaders know they have got the politicians in their grip and the politicians know they will support completely when adequate ‘financial-aid’ or free passes for Haj are doled out.

    Our politicians and the entire machinery just looks on as Eunuchs because the next election is never far away. Kabhi Sansad kaa chunaav, kabhi Vidhaan-sabhaa kaa yaa fir kabhi Municipality kaa yaa fir Graam-Panchaayat kaa. So, these traitors can’t be offended. They are very important for the success.

    Nothing is going to change the system.

    Isi kaa naam Raajniti hain! Zmiles.

    Arth kaa
    Natmastak charansparsh

  14. Dearest ZEAL:

    I am happiest to see your assertion that there is no moderation on your blog. That is the right way.

    Bloggers who moderate comments are simply proving they are trying to play God by virtue of the right they have vested in their hands.

    Those who can't accommodate each and every comment are a miserable lot who look for their self-appreciation all the time.

    Congratulations to you on your decision of not having any the ghrinaaspad hatiyaar called 'Moderation' on your blog.

    I am most proud of you, dearest ZEAL.

    Arth kaa
    Natmastak charansparsh

  15. thanx for commenting on my Blog
    and also thanx for posting such exclusive review of the Movie.But i can not the movie as cannot bear two hours in theatre

  16. Gaurav ji,

    @-आपने सिर्फ एक और शिक्षित स्त्री को चर्चा में शामिल नहीं किया है , क्यों ??

    which woman you are referring to? Kindly let me know.

    @-अजय देवगन के पात्र सूरज के बारे में कोई सहानुभूति नहीं है ??

    The character Suraj is as useless as 'Karna' in Mahabharata. He is a man of caliber and grace. He has taken a great entry in the movie but he was also lured by the power. He lost his passion to do something for the downtrodden. He chose to support a wrong person.

    He stated that he is committed for 'dalits' but unfortunately he did nothing for his innocent supporters.

    @-कर्ण के इतिहास से भी सीख नहीं ले रहा कोई तो क्या किया जाये ???

    Karn was famonus for his daanveerta. But he didn't have the wisdom to take right decision. He chose to take side of wrong people.

    Prakash Jha has mocked the characters of Mahabharata in the film.

    By clubbing the modern era people with characters of ancient age, he simple made a khichdi of story.

  17. Arvind ji-

    @-@फिर फिल्म कैसे यथार्थवादी और अच्छी हुयी दिव्या जी ?

    The movie somewhere has reflected the real faces of politicians, internal rivalry and trading of women within families. Hence realistic.

    This film is far better than the movies like kites [which is utter trash] and movies like 'Three idiots', which is made for idiots of India .

    @-प्रकाश झा से तो यह उम्मीद न थी ..

    Arvind ji, ummeed karna khud ko dhoka dena hai.

    A man changes every moment. There is no point expecting anything from anyone.

    The whole world is selfish.

    'Kaun rota hai kisi ki baat par yaron,
    Sabko apni hi kisi baat pe rona aaya."

  18. @ Arth-

    Freedom is something very huge, which one should never compromise with. If you felt that your previous comment was unfit somewhere and you deleted it, then its fine. It's indeed your right to delete and rewrite.

    Regarding your statement that its a commercial movie only--I agree. But Media influences our mind. So the directors must take the responsibility before showing and anything which may impact viewers , specially our younger generation.

    Regarding selling of Muslim votes are concerned, I truly feel that our Muslim brothers and sisters must think rationally and with a feeling of patriotism. They are living in a secular country and they must become secular in true sense.

    They must vote for the right candidate and not to a party.

    They should not become a puppet in the hands on some selfish lot.

  19. Gaurav ji,

    @-क्या फिल्म ये नहीं कह रही की एक स्त्री की भूल ( तथाकथित समर्पण , अगर स्त्री करे तो, पुरुष करे तो दुराचार )..

    The mistake you are referring to is not committed by one person. It is always consensual. But unfortunately only a woman has to suffer, when the duffer deserts her by leaving his filth in her womb.

  20. Dr. Daral,

    @-लेकिन सच की राजनीति तो रोज ही देखते हैं , हर क्षेत्र में ।

    In the politics of day today life we have witnessed people growing so indifferent towards common people and the poor lot is not getting justice nor the woes attended and grievances heard.

    On the contrary , in this film the people in power are thirsty of each others' blood. High level of filth, rivalry and revenge is shown. Another bitter fact of politics and politician is revealed.

  21. rajneeti rajneeti aur rajneeti.
    i will have to stay away of 'rajneeti'for 2 or 3 months.because rajneeti is not being run in any cinemahall of my city.and pirated DVD.......?
    prakash jha may take legal action aganst MLA's of rajasthan.because they have watched pirated dvd of his film.
    lekin divya ji apka article padhkar to excitement aur badh gaya hai ab khud ko kaise rokun ye film dekhne se?

  22. बहुत सधी हुयी समीक्षा । सभी कहानियों का अच्छा संमिश्रण किया है ।

  23. Sometimes movies are good, sometimes average or bad, sometimes realistic but never truer or stranger than life itself.
    Real politics (as well as life) are much-much more dirty and shocking. Blessed are those who do not come across it, and keep pondering over the fictional cinemania.
    As far as film-making is concerned, a well made movie is always welcome. However what fails me - is the simple question - "Why do Indian/Hindi Cinema-to-crats are dying for completing the entire epic(s) (as if remakes of old films were not enough!) into a single celluloidal narrative?"
    Why can't they realize that every clasic is full of so many smaller stories, very-very potent material to be expanded into a 105 minutes to 150 minutes movie?
    Why can't they risk making it into prequel-sequel kinda thingz?
    Why can't we have things like "Erin Bro.." - [read a beautiful review by Rashmi Ravija ji the other day, hence reminded] or something more reallistic - more haunting - more WORLD CLASS material...
    Anyway, nice review with nice views. Congrats, keep it up!

  24. Raajneeti is a sharply cynical, gripping and violent story of the politics of politics. And what sort of politics is it? The character of Nana Patekar describes it in one line: “Raajneeti main faisle galat ya sahi nahin hote. Unka mole toh maksad pura karna hota hai”. i am admirer of prakash jha but rajniti is definitely his weakest movie.

  25. Divya ji,

    I've seen this post in the morning but wanted to see the movie before commenting anything over your brilliant piece.
    First of all, kudos to Prakash Jha for making such a crafted movie which is made wonderful by some gripping acting.

    Coming to your post, I completely disagree to the following:

    'A woman [Bharti],who is fascinated by a man. She respects and trusts him .
    He takes undue advantage of her submission and leaves her pregnant.
    He runs away from her after making her life miserable.'

    For me, it looked like the young lady was more faulty. Yes, I admit the man's fault but he never ever took any disadvantage. It was an error (a big one) from both mutually.
    A girl mature enough to call for country's politics should never ever act so foolishly how so ever romantic the rain may be.
    This is what I feel, others may well disagree.

    Secondly. Indu was not/never a beloved for Samar. The love was one sided from Indu and Samar duly mentioned it at times.
    Having said that, Samar's act was far from being good. It was a wrong behavior. Still, it was Indu's father who caused the misery, he was supposed to be at her side. Samar or for the same reason Prithvi did not forcefully picked up Indu.

    I think a person is free to (not) love anyone.
    I could never find a moment which says Samar loved Indu. Yes, he was bad on his part when he wanted to marry her for the money, but then if we count he would come out to be least wrong in this particular case.

    Actually what you write here is 100% true:

    "The woman she portrayed is pathetic and disappointing. How and why she chose to be a puppet in the hands of a handful of men."

    About the three women mentioned: Bharti,Indu and Sarah

    I would give Sarah a benefit of doubt as she was leaving but unluckily........
    For Indu, yes she was used and you have said right words for her.
    But for Bharti, I can use only pathetic as the fitting word. She was more than responsible for her and many others fate.
    Apart from this, we can not blame brain drain as such because man learns from surroundings. A man well learned and used to of Sir/ma'am can not bear being slapped for doing nothing.
    Remember, Samar was utmost polite to the police man.
    All in all, I'm not safeguarding anyone but telling that the problem is not just due to brain drain. It is with in our roots. Why blame others?
    He was probably a good or at least OK kind of person when he entered the cinema... but he was left with few options. He chose the more wrong one, that I accept.
    Lastly, apart from these you have put all the right questions and the answer to these seems to be not coming.

    One more thing please rectify (Rajveer) is Ranbir.

    On a lighter note, thank you Divya ji for forcing me watch this movie :)

    If you ask for my take, yes, no character was white but should people not make such movies? At least it is far better than RAAVAN and HOUSEFUL.
    Ans yes, Suraj did no good but truly speaking he still was the best of the lot. He had very few options at that point. i still think he could have done better but...

  26. Dearest ZEAL:

    Your request to "Muslim brothers and sisters" is never going to be read by the ones who really need to read this sincere appeal. Those who are reading it are already the enlightened ones amongst them.

    Muslim and backward class voters have no concern for the party they vote for. There is quite a high chance that they only know the symbol on which they have to put the stamp.

    Ultimately, at that level, only money speaks. Whosoever shells out more, get the vote. Plain fact.

    To expect anything from the mullah-led Muslims is sheer foolery.

    The educated Muslims are such scornful of their own community because they have tasted freedom which is taboo in their Madresaa teachings. In fact, many get ostracised from their own community - Salman Rushdie, Taslima Nasreen, Dr. Rahi Masoom Raza are some examples of it.

    Those Muslims who have come into the mainstream are reaping the benefits of it. The rest can keep cribbing and being 'yes-man' to the Mufti who keeps on ranting - Hamaari Qom ko bachaanaa zaruri hain.

    Dire poverty has no religion greater than a currency note. This is understood only by a person who has lived through it. So, I do not see anything wrong in the backward classes going to vote en masse for the highest paymaster.

    Muslims are fundamentalists so they are an even worse lot. I talk of those Muslims who are foolishly following the Imam.

    I have respect for Muslims who use their brains and contribute positively to the nation they stay in and are citizens of. Sad part is - in their community being progressive is seen as being insulting towards their religion.

    All of these is very well known to the politicians and is used to maximum benefit.

    Why do we need a movie to tell us what we already know? And why so much of intellectual wealth being wasted on such a trivial peice of celluloid which will be forgotten so soon?

    Let alone this blog, even a national level movement by each and everyone writing here big things can not make an iota of difference to the grim reality. Why the debate then? Is it worth it? I think not.

    I conclude with a line from a Hindi movie song that I recall which perfectly describes what Raajniti factually is -

    Gandaa hain par
    Dhandhaa hain yeh

    And as such Raajniti is more or less a family business in India. We commoners are better off away from this lot.

    Arth kaa
    Natmastak charansparsh

  27. मैंने भी देखी प्रकाश जी की राजनीति। बहुत सारी टिप्पणियां हो चुकी है, बस इतना ही कहना चाहूंगा कि प्रकाश जी से कम से कम ऐसी उम्मीद नहीं थी। कहां गंगाजल और अपहरण और कहां राजनीति। बहुत सारी कहानियों को मिलाकर फिल्म बना डाली। प्रकाश जी की मौलिकता नहीं दिखती इसमें। वैसे आप हिन्दी में भी लेखन करें तो बहुत अच्छा होगा।

  28. Our review of this movie can be seen at

  29. @which woman you are referring to? Kindly let me know

    oh please divya ji

    आपने गहरा विश्लेषण लिखा है आपको तो पता होना ही चाहिए की किस पात्र को आपने शामिल नहीं किया
    थोडा सोचिये ... जवाब मिल जायेगा

  30. @ The character Suraj is as useless as 'Karna' in Mahabharata

    हा हा हा .....क्या बात है दिव्या जी मान गए आपको
    क्या सिर्फ पुरुष पात्र है इसीलिए ??? अगर स्त्री होता तो आपकी लिस्ट में शामिल होता ना

    @ He chose to support a wrong person.

    क्या उसके इस फैसले के मूल में तथाकथित अबला नारी के तथाकथित समर्पण नहीं मानती आप ???

  31. @ He stated that he is committed for 'dalits' but unfortunately he did nothing for his innocent supporters.

    पूरी फिल्म में किसी ने देश के लिए कुछ किया ही नहीं आप उस मासूम, वक्त के पीड़ित पात्र के पीछे क्यों पड़ी हैं ???
    असली दोयम दर्जे वाली जिंदगी तो पुरुष जी रहा है दिव्या जी

  32. कर्ण के इतिहास से भी सीख नहीं ले रहा कोई तो क्या किया जाये ???

    ऐसा मैंने "[Bharti],who is fascinated by a man" के लिए कहा है , सूरज ( पात्र ) कैसे सीख लेगा ???? वो तो वैसे ही स्त्री के तथाकथित समर्पण के परिणाम को भाग्य के रूप में आजीवन झेल रहा था

  33. By clubbing the modern era people with characters of ancient age, he simple made a khichdi of story.

    100% correct

  34. दिव्या जी ,
    सहमति-असहमति अपनी जगह पर आपका विश्लेषण अपनी निजी दृष्टि
    की इमानदारी के साथ है ! सराहनीय !

    फिल्म आने के तुरंत बाद ही बड़ी उत्सुकता के साथ इस फिल्म को मैंने देखी
    और परिणाम में निराशा मिली ! बड़ा झोल है फिल्म में ! व्यावसायिक समझौते !

    'दामुल' के 'प्रकाश' की एक किरण भी 'राजनीति' में नहीं दिखी !

    आभार ..

  35. @सहमति-असहमति अपनी जगह पर आपका विश्लेषण अपनी निजी दृष्टि
    की इमानदारी के साथ है ! सराहनीय !

    अमरेन्द्र जी की बात से भी पूरी तरह सहमत हूँ

  36. कई फिल्मों के फार्मूले को हास्यास्पद तरीके से जोड़तोड़ कर एक कहानी बनाई गयी है ...
    भारती और इंदु दोनों महिला पात्रों का चरित्र बहुत ही निराशाजनक है ... पढ़ी लिखी शिक्षित नारियां इस तरह अपने प्रेमी और पिता के आगे घटने टेक दें , बात हजम नहीं होती ...
    पूरी फिल्म में जो पसंद आया वह है गीत ..." मोरा पिया मोसे बोलत नाही " उसको भी बीच में अंग्रेजी के दो चार शब्द ठूंस कर बिगाड़ने की पूरी कोशिश की गयी है ...
    परिपक्व युवा के रूप में रणवीर का अभिनय भी प्रशंसनीय है ...!

  37. @ कई फिल्मों के फार्मूले को हास्यास्पद तरीके से जोड़तोड़ कर एक कहानी बनाई गयी है ...
    भारती और इंदु दोनों महिला पात्रों का चरित्र बहुत ही निराशाजनक है ... पढ़ी लिखी शिक्षित नारियां इस तरह अपने प्रेमी और पिता के आगे घटने टेक दें , बात हजम नहीं होती ...
    पूरी फिल्म में जो पसंद आया वह है गीत ..." मोरा पिया मोसे बोलत नाही " उसको भी बीच में अंग्रेजी के दो चार शब्द ठूंस कर बिगाड़ने की पूरी कोशिश की गयी है ...
    परिपक्व युवा के रूप में रणवीर का अभिनय भी प्रशंसनीय है ...!

    वाणी जी के बात के हर शब्द से सहमत हूँ

  38. @ कई फिल्मों के फार्मूले को हास्यास्पद तरीके से जोड़तोड़ कर एक कहानी बनाई गयी है ...

    इस वाक्य में थोडा सा कन्फ्यूजन लग रहा है

  39. @ Rajan-

    You can download it from google.

    @-Praveen Pandey-

    He mixed up his cooked up stories with ancient epic. Something original was expected from such a brilliant director. The movie has disappointed a bigger lot.

  40. @-Himanshu Mohan-

    I guess they are just competing with the fellow directors. In rush to have a number of movies , they are into such kind of rat race. They are hardly bothered about the theme and quality of movie.

    By paying good amount to the leading actors and actresses , he succeeded in getting good artists in his film, but unfortunately the respective roles didn’t do any justice with the persona of actors .

    By summarizing the whole epic he simply played with the sanctity of characters of Mahabharata. He could have done real justice with a character by expanding a small piece of the epic rather.

    Mahabharata is not at all a ‘Rajniti’ even. It is a battle of life with it’s ups and downs and many strange happening in one’s life. It contains philosophies and lessons. The film Rajniti has done injustice with the characters and epic as well. Sheer mockery !

  41. @ Avinash Chandra-

    If we talk to the film just as another commercial, then indeed he has dome well in it. All the celebs paraded well in his movie , may be in the lure of money he offered to them.

    Regarding your point where you see Bharti as more in error, my question is- “can’t a girl be safe in the hands of an elderly, wise and graceful man even?. Isn't it a duty of a man who is more or less like a father to her?. Due to her age or intense fascination if she was blinded to commit the error, wasn’t it the duty of that wise man to protect her.?”

    Regarding Samar being not her beloved and the love was one sided. Then Samar’s error is more grave and unpardonable. He has no right to ask a girl and convince her to marry his elder brother by emotionally blackmailing her for sake of his selfish motives.

    Brain drain can be stopped. If we genuinely start valuing brains then it can be stopped. As media` is a very powerful medium to influence people. We can build characters by portraying a person better through films. Masses are moved by watching movies. Youngsters start aspiring for such strong characters. If a guys returns from America with a genuine passion to do something for his country , then definitely that will be admiring and helpful in building the character of our future generation.

    But as I mentioned earlier also…Rajniti is indeed a better movie than ‘Kites’ and ‘Raavan’.

  42. @ Arth-

    Regarding your views for Muslim lot. I beg to differ. Many of our Muslims brothers and sisters have taken wise decisions. They are a true patriot and love India as we all do. Because they know what India is giving them. They are getting respect, value, name, money , identity and above all LOVE.

    Shabana azmi, Javed Akhtar, Aamir, Salman, Shahrukh and many other big leaders and celebs have earned money, fame and respect from this country. So I feel such wise people must think twice and decide wisely before voting the candidate. They must use their vote for the progress of the nation and not just for the sake of their own community only. This way they can survive but never can earn respect, nor the nation will prosper. So someone has to take the lead and move the masses.

    Regarding your point as these discussions as worthless, then I am sorry for your inconvenience but as you know very well, I always listen to me heart. I will do what I will deem right.

  43. @ Pakaj Mishra-

    @- बस इतना ही कहना चाहूंगा कि प्रकाश जी से कम से कम ऐसी उम्मीद नहीं थी। कहां गंगाजल और अपहरण और कहां राजनीति। बहुत सारी कहानियों को मिलाकर फिल्म बना डाली। प्रकाश जी की मौलिकता नहीं दिखती इसमें।

    I agree. We expect a lot better from him and something original. Today politics is not at all the way it is in ancient times. We hope to get something better from him in future.

    @_वैसे आप हिन्दी में भी लेखन करें तो बहुत अच्छा होगा।

    I already write in Hindi and English both. You are requested to wait for my post in Hindi.

    As in today’s life we frequently use Hindi and English both which is reflected in my blog. No pretense, no idealism, No fight for languages. I believe in conservation of energy for better things on earth. In my humble opinion matter is important, not the language in which it is expressed.

    It is a bilingual blog . Hindi and English both the mesmerizing languages are equally welcome.

    Readers are requested to opine in the language of their choice and comfort.

  44. @ Gaurav-

    The woman portrayed in the film is not today’s woman. It is director’s psyche to portray a woman so weak and meek. Our situation in society is indeed not good but not this much miserable.

    If , in the film all the male characters were shown so powerful and filth in head then we have few powerful Mayawatis and Soniyas also for such filthy politics.

    Only men are portrayed as wrong . Why this disparity ?

    Poor men !

  45. @ Amrendra ji-

    @_और परिणाम में निराशा मिली ! बड़ा झोल है फिल्म में ! व्यावसायिक समझौते !

    I agree.

    @ Vani ji-

    @-भारती और इंदु दोनों महिला पात्रों का चरित्र बहुत ही निराशाजनक है ... पढ़ी लिखी शिक्षित नारियां इस तरह अपने प्रेमी और पिता के आगे घटने टेक दें , बात हजम नहीं होती ...

    Prakash ji ka ye jhol hazam nahi ho sakta.

  46. @ Ashish-

    Yes , A bigger lot is disappointed. Prakash Jha has been placed at a very high pedestal and viewers have very high expectations. Every time he has to work harder than the previous.

    @ Samvedna ke Swar-

    I agree with you.

  47. इस फिल्म की और भी समीक्षाएं मैंने पढ़ी है.
    आपने अपने नज़रिए से उचित चित्रण किया है.

    I like your blog. Wherever there is question about nation building, I have to answer it.

  48. @ Dr Amar,

    Seeing is believing!..I agree.

    will wait for you to go through the movie and come up with your views. Indeed there is no fun watching a pirated CD and no point commenting on the basis of hearsay.

  49. @- Sulabh ji,

    I am glad to know you liked the blog...Thanks.

  50. Its always a treat to read ur post along wid so mny comments...

    @These women who had all the riches on earth , couldn't contain the urge to stay away from luxuries,

    even sometimes i feel,that may b its true and women want to lead luxurious n easy life..that's the reason they choose to compromise and just make it looks like a sacrifice.

    Good review of the film....Prakash jha has really let down us...still I liked the movie as its better than a whole lot of movies being made these days

  51. Rashmi ji,

    I'm glad to know that you saw the point which i was yelling to make it heard.

    Some are thinking, i'm fundamentalist and fighting for woman's right.

    But no, I am complaining with women to understand their role in society. It's not wise to become so meek every time when they have to make a right decision.

    One wrong decision can devastate many families. If a woman is truly sacrificing in nature, then she can deny the comforts and riches for sake of society and nation.

    Why she compromises with her dreams and ambitions and passion where she is getting a wolf in the bargain?

    In this particular movie,the three women are portrayed in a very negative shade. Their character shown is far from reality.

  52. ग्रेट दिव्या !
    डॉ अनवर जमाल के यहाँ आपकी प्रतिक्रिया के लिए !

  53. Divya ji,

    You write so balanced that I had to come again.
    Firstly, Yes, I commented mostly over the film part. We have to see what the plot was.
    He (the director) never said that he is giving any message. he was trying to portray the dirt in the politics (which may not be absolutely real).
    Yes, being a top notch director his responsibility is to give positive message to the society as well, which he has not complied to.

    Secondly, had Naseer or Ranbir/Samar not behaved the way they did, had they been right in their virtue, it can by no means be pardonable on the part of female leads mentioned. I feel that if you are mature enough to stand in election, quite grown up to drive/love/drink (as these leads were) you must be a little responsible and sensible, which they were not.
    Let's face it... It rains daily at Cherapunji.

    You yourself have mentioned about they dismal situation as well. My point was only that if you are yourself in to ditch, why blame swamp?
    They were probably representing the powerful part of female society and even then they disappointed. (Of course our story writer did so.)

    And yes, I agree 100% that media should portray character and strong persona for people to take inspiration.

    And the answer to the brain drain question is given by you only but that has to be applied....

    "If we genuinely start valuing brains then it can be stopped"

    Keep encoding your thoughts, thanks for sharing...... all the very best.

  54. Avinash Chandra ji,

    In today's life, the biggest issue is to keep ourselves sane. When we try to be selfless,people will start triggering us to be selfish. They won't stop until we trip somewhere. Every second person is corrupt. Very few are genuine, they are also endangered, as they are living in the company of wolves.

    You must be wondering what i am talking about all this but believe me i was in utter disgust after observing people closely. Charity begins from home ! When intellectuals in here are not free from biases , rivalry, and envy then how on earth one can think of the nation to prosper.

    Happy are they, those who do not have ambitions, nor dreams. How peacefully they live their lives.

    Unfortunately women like me, who wishes to do something worthwhile and contribute something to the society are dragged by the so called well wishers.

    Every second person is ready to trade. A well wisher today accused me of wasting the blog space in unnecessary issues. Another so called friend mocked me by saying that blogging is a good toy for me to play and keep myself engaged. One more wise fellow is busy putting posts obliquely written on me.

    Somewhere tired of all this. I fear losing the fire in me. All are ready to drag and pull with their actual faces beautifully hidden behind the glowing masks.

    Sorry for being carried away. Hope to bounce back soon.

  55. Divya Di,

    I felt saying this..(wont say again if you don't like the same).

    Is it not a place where we share thought and learn? May be I do not agree 100% always, but that does not mean I don't respect your view points.

    "A well wisher today accused me of wasting the blog space in unnecessary issues."

    Nothing can be done for those who feel brainstorming is a waste.

    And even if this is a waste of time, I'd rather love to waste my little time daily.

    Sharing is a two way learning process...keep doing this.


    I am not that intelligent to talk about selfishness and selflessness but being reasonable is a thing one must possess.
    And you are always very much reasonable. As much as I know you by your posts. :)

    So yes, I know you would bounce back.

    All the best.

  56. Avinash ji,

    You are right. Thanks for being understanding.

    Gaurav ji,

    I commented there on the beautiful post.
