" Magar pyaar sharton pe tumne kiya..."
A friend said - "Divya , my heart aches when i see you writing in English. You should try to write in Hindi, as it takes seven days only to learn typing in Devnagri. "
I feel , we must have the freedom to express our thoughts in a language we feel comfortable with.
I wonder what is important. Sharing of inner churning, or the language used to express ?
If we can have 18 official regional languages then what is the harm if someone reads or write in English also? Why to deprive ourselves from loving as many languages as we can?
Why we feel offended with the use of English? I feel one Thackeray is enough to divide the country in the name of language. I know Hindi very well as i verbally communicate in Hindi always. But i truly feel the need of learning 'Marathi' to stay safe in Mumbai and i need to learn 'Thai' to bargain well while shopping here.
So we prioritize our needs. To learn typing in Devnagri is on my agenda, but it is not on priority. 'Aur bhi bahut gam hain zamane mein bhasha ke siva'
When parents choose to put their child in English school then why some people expect them to speak pure Hindi while speaking and writing?.
Our country is secular. The world is going global. Everything is just mixed up ! This mixing and mingling is the true color of Love. Just do not desert me for my incapability of typing in Devnagri. Love me and support me unconditionally.
Can you be with me patiently in my struggling phase? I need you more today than tomorrow.
I thank my friends , those who have accepted me by rising above gender and language.
Be with me and extend your unconditional love.
" Be to my virtues very kind,
Be to my faults a little blind "
Will you?
बिलकुल हम आपके साथ हैं दिव्या , भावनाएं तो मूक व्यक्ति भी व्यक्त कर सकता है ..इंग्लिश अपने आप में समर्थ भाषा है ..हाँ हम आपसे हिन्दी में जब भी सुविधा हो, लिखने का अनुरोध अवश्य करेंगे !
ReplyDeleteअपनी अपनी सोच है , अहम् बात ये है कि आप खुद के मन में किस भाषा में सोचते हैं, जैसे मैं हिंदी में सोचता हूँ इसलिए अपनी बात भी हिंदी में सहज़ता से कह पाता हूँ और आज हिंदी कि जो दुर्दशा हो रही है इसीलिए हिंदी को बढ़ावा देने के लिए हिंदी में लिखने कि सलाह दी जाती है!
ReplyDeleteBe with me and extend your unconditional love....
ReplyDeleteइस मासूमियत का कहाँ जवाब है ...बुद्धिमान और ऐसी मासूमियत ...:)
जिस भाषा में खुद को अच्छी तरह अभिव्यक्त किया जा सके ...वही प्रयोग की जानी चाहिए ...क्या शक है ...!!
Satish ji,
ReplyDeleteI sure will try to honor your request.
Nilesh ji,
I do not know in which language i think but yes i find it convenient to type in English.
But certainly I will pay heed to your advice.
Vani ji,
Your love reaches me without fail.
[ Mera aapse hai pehle ka nata koi,yun hi nahi dil lubhata koi ]
दिव्या जी ,
ReplyDeleteठीक है ,मैं इसे दुभाषिया ब्लॉग के रूप में विकसित देखना चाहता हूँ -मुझे थोड़ी अंगरेजी आती है मगर मैं पसंद अपनी मातृभाषा को करता हूँ -कारण यह कि इसमें मैं सहजता से खुद को अभिव्यक्त कर पाता हूँ जैसा कि आप अपनी बातों को बहुत सहज और प्रभावी रूप में अंगरेजी में करती हैं -मगर मैंने यह देखा है कि आपकी हिन्दी भी बहुत अच्छी है जो रोमन में आप लिखती हैं ...
आज के इस टेक्नोलोजी युग में किसी के लिए कोई दिक्कत नहीं है -आप गूगल transliteration टूल बस डौँउनलोड कर लें और रोमन में टाइप करके तुरंत हिन्दी टेक्स्ट पायें !
यह तब जरूरी है जब आप ज्यादा लोगों से संवाद करना चाहती हों -और अगर मेरे ही कुछ लोगों के बीच अपने विचारों को प्रसारित करना हों तो बात ही अलग है -मगर इस तरह आप एक बड़े आडियेंस के साथ अन्याय करेगीं !
और छोटे मोटे पोस्ट तो हम हिन्दी में अनुवाद करके आपको भेज देगें -मगर हम चाहते हैं आप सेल्फ रिलायांट बनें..
दिव्या जी , गूगल ट्रांसलिट्रेशन से आप रोमन में टाइप कर हिंदी भाषा का लुत्फ़ उठा सकती हैं । हमें तो हिंदी का प्रयोग बहुत भाता है । इंग्लिश तो रोज़ ही इस्तेमाल करते हैं अपने काम में ।
ReplyDeleteलिखकर देखिये , आप एन्जॉय करेंगी।
Hmm...I will think of learning typing Devnagri in the correct way. Using Google transliteration is not my choice. But i will definitely download it for emergency issues.
ReplyDelete@-इंग्लिश तो रोज़ ही इस्तेमाल करते हैं अपने काम में ।...
sote-jagte we use English and hence i find it more familiar and convenient.
After learning English, Hindi will be on top priority...Smiles !
ReplyDeleteTill then kindly bear my " Hinglish ".
@ ज़ील
ReplyDelete"I feel , we must have the freedom to express our thoughts in a language we feel comfortable with."
सही है !
भाषा अभिव्यक्ति का माध्यम है. अच्छी अभिव्यक्ति उसी भाषा में की जा सकती है जिसमें उसकी अच्छी पकड़ हो. हर भाषाई यह चाहता कि दूसरे भी मेरी भाषा में लिखें, बोलें और समझें मगर यह भी सत्य है कि जब तक कोई मजबूरी न हो सामान्यतः कोई भी व्यक्ति दूसरे की भाषा सीखने की जहमत नहीं उठाता.
ReplyDeleteसर्वप्रथम तो पहली बार आपका ब्लॉग देख कर मन हर्षित हुआ. कई बार ऐसा हुआ है कि दूसरे के ब्लॉग में आपके विचार, आपके कमेन्ट पढ़कर आपके बारे में जानने की इच्छा हुई मगर कोई ब्लॉग न देखकर निराश हुआ.
मुझे हिंदी टाइपिंग भी आती है मगर गूगल का यह टूल इतना सरल है कि हिंदी टाइपिंग करना भूल गया.
आपकी अंग्रेजी इतनी सरल है कि मैं भी अच्छे से समझ पा रहा हूँ..उत्तर हिंदी में दिया क्योंकि में इस भाषा में अंग्रेजी से अधिक अच्छा लिख सकता हूँ.
Prrt 1
ReplyDeleteI begin with the title you have chosen. I respond to it thus:
Baadaa fir baadaa hain, main zeher bhi pi jaau ‘Qateel’
Shart yeh hain koi baaho mein sambhaale mujhko
Apne haatho ki lakiro mein basaa le mujhko
Main hoon teraa naseeb apnaa banaa le mujhko
Love in itself is the biggest statement, biggest promise, biggest commitment we convey when we say “I Love You” to anyone. These 3 small words encompass the biggest of conditions that we willingly agree to during the eternal course of Our Togetherness.
We feel the warmth of the bond due to that condition and we feel obligated to do our best for that person due to that condition.
We feel secure in the presence of that person because there is an unsaid condition that the loved one will always protect the beloved against all perils.
We feel happy with the person because we know the condition that love has imposed so charmingly upon the two of us is beatific and not compelling.
We share totally with the person because another unsaid condition of love is absolute trust reposed by us in that person
Love, dearest ZEAL, is the biggest of all conditions
Yeh ishq nahi aasaan bas itnaa samajh lije
Ek aag kaa dariyaa hain aur dub ke jaanaa hain
Where does the strength come in lovers to overcome all odds? From the condition that two hearts have placed on each other to be Together – Till Death Do Us Part
PArt 2
ReplyDeleteNow, come with me as we go to the crux of the blog.
Vichaaro ki abhivyakti kisi bhi ek bhaashaa ki bandini nahi hoti
Bhaashaa to vichaaro ko saath lekar chalne waali Sangini hain
Wo vichaaro kaa swar hain, jo karn-priy ho to sur ban jaate hain
Wo vichaaro ki prastuti kaa maadhyam maatr hain.
Sankuchit maansiktaa waale log ni-sandeh gathbandhit hone ki chesthaa mein lage rehte hain. Aur jab koi vvyakti us bhed-chaal se hatkar chalnaa chaahe to use tiraskrut karne se chukte nahi. Insecurity is the root cause for the adverse reactions to your preference of English over Hindi in expressing yourself.
Incidentally, Freedom of expression is a Fundamental Right conferred on every Citizen by our nation’s Constitution through Article 19. To accommodate the cultural and linguistic diversity of our mighty nation, Article 345 of the Indian Constitution has 22 languages recognised. [And we still see people hoisting the flag of one single language! Zmiles. Ridiculous stuff]
Even more interestingly, neither the Constitution of India nor Indian law specifies a National language, a position supported by a High Court ruling. However, languages listed in the Eighth Schedule of the Indian constitution are sometimes referred to, without legal standing, as the national languages of India. [By the way, it includes English also.. Zmiles]
For a long time, Dearest ZEAL, all are intimidating you to switch over to using Hindi language in the blog – even if that is sugar-coated in softer words of fake praises or typing for you in Hindi what you had written in transliterated roman letters or creating a blog site for you or translating a blog of yours into Hindi and using it. These are all psychological subversion tactics being tried on you in a big trapping fashion. It is nothing but a sheer case of cartel-domination [in plainer terms, Mafia-giri] and their wish is to make you follow their way simply because they prefer Hindi or else they will ostracise you and make you exit from their domain – the very place where you are presently made to be felt as if you are most welcome. Mark my words.
The issue is not at all about the extent of audience being reached by your using Hindi. Even if that be the case, any given day, the number of people reading English will be many a times more than those reading Hindi on the net for sure. And if the people who prefer writing in Hindi feel that you can reach a bigger audience through blog using Hindi, they are the proverbial frogs in the well. Well, it is high time that they come out and see how vishal the ocean is where there is an assimilation of all languages. Zmiles. Bandar kyaa jaane adrakh kaa swaad.
I am terrifically proud of you that you are resolutely defiant in your choice of language in expressing your thoughts. I am whole-heartedly and fiercely supporting you in everything that you do. Because I trust you completely. The day you will start using Devnaagri fonts because of very persuasive ‘requests’ which you cannot deny, it will be a huge defeat of yours and there will be a grand jubilation at your failure for these very people who are today lauding you and also still, nagging you to writing in Hindi. Choice is yours to make.
Part 3
ReplyDeleteIn the jungle, the lion kills singularly, but the hounds hunt in packs. They make the prey tired by constantly trailing and tracking it,. They keep chasing the prey for days together. They do not come near the prey until they are sure that the prey has fallen weak and then they go in for the kill. Law of the jungle is very universal. Jungle of Hindi Blog is no different. Bhediyo se bachkar chalnaa – yeh aapse meraa praarthnaa-purvak nivedan hain
Finally, I conclude with the famous song from Amar Prem which boldly derides all those who criticise wrongly
Kuchh to log kahenge
Logo kaa kaam hain kehnaa
Chhodo bekaar ki baato mein
Kahi bit naa jaaye rainaa
Kuchh reet jagat ki aisi hain
Har ek subah ki shaam huee
Tu kaun hain, teraa naam hain kyaa?
Sitaa bhi yahaan badnaam huee
Fir kyon sansaar ki baato se
Bheeg gaye tere nainaa?
Hum ko jo taane dete hain
Hum khoye rahe in rang-raliyo mein
Hum ne unko bhi chhup-chhup ke
Aate dekhaa hain in galiyo mein
Ye sach hain jhoothi baat nahi
Tum bolo yeh sach hain naa?
Arth kaa
Nat-mastak charan-sparsh
@ Ali ji-
ReplyDeleteHope you didn't suppress the thoughts that crossed your mind?. But thanks for giving and accepting my freedom.
@ Bechain aatma ji-
आपकी अंग्रेजी इतनी सरल है कि मैं भी अच्छे से समझ पा रहा हूँ..
"Simplicity" is my identity. I try to keep things simple.
This is the simple philosophy of life !
@ Ethereal [ Arth] ji,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the wonderful comment. I admire your caliber to bring out so many valid points which will definitely be helpful for all the readers.
Dearest ZEAL:
ReplyDeleteI am honored by your words.
Thank you.
Semper Fidelis
कल 05/10/2011 को आपकी यह पोस्ट नयी पुरानी हलचल पर लिंक की जा रही हैं.आपके सुझावों का स्वागत है .
दिव्या जी, आपकी इस बेहतरीन पोस्ट को पढ़ने से मैं आज तक वंचित थी ..बहुत ही अच्छा लिखा है आपने ...यहां .. यशवन्त जी का शुक्रिया अदा करना होगा इसके चयन के लिये ...।
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