Some Ayurvedic tips for Asthmatic Patients
During a flare up of asthma, patients would benefit from taking
easily digestible food in lesser than usual quantity. Lukewarm water
should be used for drinking and washing purposes.
Shri Dhanvantari
Asthmatics dread taking buttermilk. But this can be overcome by
adding a pinch of turmeric to buttermilk and heating it for a few
minutes. This will help them reap the benefits of buttermilk as well as
avoid the risk of catching a cold or formation of phlegm in chest.
People suffering from asthma can benefit from drinking boiled cow’s
milk to which a pinch of turmeric, a few peppercorns, and small pieces
of sliced ginger are added. Also taking soy bean soaked yoghurt is found
to help improve the condition.
One simple way to improve immunity in people with asthma is to take
vegetable soup as detailed. A big unskinned potato, a small onion, one
big unskinned carrot, three garlic cloves are cleaned thoroughly and
allowed to boil in a litre of water. Once reduced to half, add salt and
allow it to reach a lukewarm temperature. This is taken 3-4 weeks. This
is found to improve immunity.
Yogasanas help a lot in improving asthmatic conditions. Yoga mudra,
paschimothasana, pranayama etc are all excellent postures and yogic
exercises that can help people with asthma.
Eucalyptus steam inhalation is very beneficial in relieving nasal and
sinus congestion. Asthmatic patients can try this process to loosen
phlegm in chest as well as relieve congestion. Steam inhalation with
crushed garlic cloves also provides the same effect.
Small onions are boiled in water for a few minutes, then they are
filtered out and crushed. The juice obtained from this boiled crushed
small onions is then applied on the soles of the feet before going to
bed. This process can be followed for a week or two for reduction in
asthmatic symptoms.
People who suffer from cough and asthma can benefit from Ayurvedic
preparations like Vyagradhi kashayam, dasamoolakaduthrayam kashayam. For
this Vyagradhi kashayam 7.5 ml and dasamoolakaduthrayam kashayam 7.5 ml
are added to 60 ml water (cooled boiled water) along with a quarter
teaspoon honey and taken on empty stomach in the mornings and evenings.
This should be taken for 48 days in a regular fashion. A strict
adherence to this regimen results in reduction of eosinophil levels in
blood. This also helps in relieving headache, cough, heavy headedness,
tasteless tongue, irritation around eyes and ears etc.
People suffering from dry cough and asthma can benefit from the
medicinal properties of badam (almonds). Seven to eight almonds are
soaked in water. The outer skin is removed. A pinch of saffron
(kungumapoo) or turmeric, seeds of 5-8 cardamom pods, two Java
peppercorns, a pinch of camphor, sugar candy etc are added to milk and
allowed to boil. This milk is taken for five days morning and evening on
empty stomach, one hour before food.
For people with dry asthmatic conditions, vidharyadhi kashayam three
spoonful, twelve spoonful of warm water, and two vayu guliga tablets are
mixed together and taken on empty stomach in the mornings and evenings.
All asthmatic patients can benefit from taking agasthya rasayanam 5
gm before going to bed. These preparations are available at all leading
Ayurveda stores, both online and offline.
Source: Aayul Kaakkum Ayurvedham – Part 2, Prof. S. Swaminathan.
Ayurvedic Home Remedies: Medicinal Uses of 'Touch Me Not' Plant - Part 2
Ayurveda regards the ‘touch me not’ plant to have tiktha kashaya
properties. It has a light and ferocious guna and has seeta veerya
(cooling). All seeta veerya herbs can be used to treat diseases
involving excessive blood flow. It is very much used in treating wounds,
boils. For example bleeding piles or haemorrhoids can be treated using
this herb. The bloody condition can be pacified with juice of
thottaavadi leaves along with juice of thumba leaves. This is applied
externally on the haemorrhoids. Similarly, excessive menstrual flow can
be treated with honey and juice of thottavadi leaves and taken
internally. It is also well known and effective in treating painful
Skin disorders can be treated with this herb. One of the difficult
skin conditions to treat, psoriasis can be treated successfully
with thottavaadi. Lajjalu keram is the way of treatment (oushadha yogam)
for treating most of the skin disorders. Lajjalu keram is made with the
surasam (paste of the whole plant) and the kalkam (bolus) of the leaves
boiled in coconut oil. This is used in treating many skin disorders.
Similarly dandruff can be effectively treated with this herb. For this
eswara mooligai (Indian birthwort) is used along with thottavaadi.
Thottaavadi kashayam made after removing the flowers helps in
relieving various difficulties of the hemorroids. Karappan (eczema)
found in children can be treated by collecting the juice of this herb
and heating it in coconut oil. This preparation is applied on affected
Bedridden patients generally take very less water and this can lead
to infection of the urinary tract. One prophylactic approach to prevent
this kind of infection is to use the kashayam prepared of this herb.
This kashayam is given to bedridden patients everyday. This will help to
ward off urinary tract infection to a large extent. Taking care of this
will help in preventing fevers and other complications.
In case of back pain due to excessive physical strain or work,
especially of the upper back, thottavaadi comes in handy in treating
such conditions. 15 ml of thottavaadi leaves can be taken daily for a
few days. This will help in relieving back pain.
Diabetic patients will benefit immensely from consumption of
thottaavadi leaf juice every morning. The combination of thottavaadi
leaves, curry leaves, guava leaves and wheat conjee is very effective in
bringing down excessive cholesterol.
This herb is also used to treat premature ejaculation. The natural
remedy for premature ejaculation is prepared by taking mature
thottavaadi root and making a paste of it using cow’s milk. A thick
layer of this paste is placed on the soles of both feet and allowed to
dry. Once the paste dries off the soles can be cleaned with a piece of
cloth. This regimen is continued for a few days or weeks depending on
the severity of the condition. This is found to be effective in treating
premature ejaculation.
Similarly white discharge in women is treated with this herb. For
this a small marble sized paste of the leaves is taken every day till
the condition improves. Sneezing, difficult breathing, itching of eyes,
throat etc and similar allergic conditions etc can be treated with
tender thottaavadi leaves. A few of these leaves are plucked before
sunrise and taken raw. Following this regimen for a few days will help
in treating such conditions.
Benefits of Oil Massage and Oil Treatment
It has been age old practice in South India to apply oil to the whole
body with a gentle massage followed by warm water bath. For women, this
is to be observed on Fridays and for men Saturdays.
A recent study by Dr K. N. Agarwal of Delhi has shown the health
benefits of oil massage on 6 week old infants. The study concluded that
sesame oil as the most beneficial of all other oils. Oil massage also
helps in increased secretion of thyroid and insulin.
South India is a hot region with very high temperatures during the
summer. Rapid deforestation, depletion of underground water,
environmental pollution etc add to the woe. The Siddha saints regard
human body as a microcosm that reflects the larger Universe. When the
earth gets polluted due to the reasons mentioned above, a corresponding
disharmony sets in, in the human body too. This is there for all of us
to see. The nature strikes back with vengeance; natural calamities and
epidemics like H1N1 are on the rise. The three doshas, vata, pitta and
kapha get vitiated. Oil massage and bath once a week will help pacify
the vitiated doshas to a large extent.
This way of bathing benefits human body and mind immensely. The skin
is able to maintain its sheen and luster. The muscles get strengthened.
There is improved blood circulation. Oil massage relaxes the body and
energizes it. There is a sense of complete relaxation. When the muscles
and joints are massaged, the body fluids stagnant at these points move
on and toxins if any get eliminated. A relaxing oil massage and bath
once a week will keep you energized and alert throughout the week.
Sesame oil, coconut oil and castor oil can be used for this purpose.
Take sesame oil and coconut oil in equal quantities. Castor oil of one
third volume is added to this mixture. Drop a few pepper corns, betel
leaves, a pinch of camphor to this mixture and heat it to a bearable
Apply this warm oil all over the body. This should be done ideally in
the mornings. Allow this oil to soak into your body for 20 to 30
minutes. Use warm water for bathing. You can add a few drops of
eucalyptus oil, or eucalyptus leaves to the warm water meant for
You can also use massage oils available in the market. These oils are
made by adding basil leaves, clove, jasmine, sandalwood etc. They give
out a very nice, relaxing aroma.
Abhyanga snan is observed on Deepavali day. It is a full body massage with oil followed by a ritual bathing.
You can wash away this oil using soap nut powder or handmade
soaps.Handmade soaps do not contain chemicals that could harm the skin
in the long run. They retain skin moisture.
A Siddha Home Remedy for Phlegm in Chest
For people with phlegm in chest the following remedy can work wonders. Useful for both the old and young alike.
100 gm of omam (thyme) is crushed and added to 500 ml of water. This
water is then boiled and reduced to 200 ml. Filter the water and add it
to 500 ml of coconut oil. Allow this mix to boil for some time (5
minutes approximately). Add 50 gm of camphor powder onto this oil. Now
allow the oil to cool and filter and store in a bottle. Apply this oil
gently onto the chest and back of the affected person. This helps to
bring out the chest phlegm.
Also the following preparation can be taken internally. This will complement the above treatment.
Arisi thippili (piper longum), adhimadhuram (licorice), and akkara
karam(Anacyclus pyrethrum DC) each 10 gm are taken and pounded together
and the powder is then sieved using a muslin. Take a pinch of this
powder and mix with honey. Take this paste this morning, afternoon and
before going to bed.
Ayurvedic Home Remedies: Ayurvedic Remedies for Children with ADHD
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is found in 5 to 10% of
children. Hyperactivity alone does not decide ADHD, since it is normal
to find children overly active and boisterous up to about four or five
years of age. ADHD symptoms are found to typically occur before the age
of seven. It is very difficult to differentiate between a normal kid
behavior and ADD/ADHD.
Symptoms of ADD/ADHD
Hyperactivity is one of the guiding symptoms but there are children
with ADHD who are not excessively active, but inattentive, unmotivated
and appear spacey. Most of the children with ADHD enjoy doing activities
they love but find it difficult to focus on tasks that are boring or
repetitive. They are not be able to stay quiet and sit still on one
place. They exhibit a sense of urgency and restlessness that is not
normal to children of their age. The intensity of the condition cannot
be gauged by the activities of the child.
Children are found to be restless and they have a tough time
completing their homework or other exercises. They are found to shake
their legs constantly. They frequently commit mistakes due to their
inattentiveness. They may not complete a task at hand, and will move to
other tasks only to discard them later for another one.
Though all children exhibit these symptoms though infrequently, in
case of children with ADHD these are observed as a constant occurrence
at school, home and at play. This condition is found to be mostly
hereditary in nature.
One positive thing to note is that this condition does not affect
their studies and most of them are found to perform well in exams like
any normal child. Boys are found to be affected more by this condition
than girls. If left unattended, this condition can affect the child’s
interaction with itself and with others. This can give rise to
difficulty in communication, tiredness, depression etc.
Ayurvedic Remedies for ADHD/ADD
Children with ADHD are generally found to be restless. They will not
stay in one place and will move about constantly. They usually misplace
toys and other items. They behave impulsively and often intrude on other
people’s speech, games etc. These symptoms resemble the nature of
‘vata’ or ‘vayu’. ‘Vaayu’ by its nature is restless and is one of
constant movement. This is related to ‘Praana’.
According to Ayurveda specialist Dr S Mahadevan, abhyanga with
shastika tailam made from navara rice and pacharavindha ghee made from
lotus are effective in treating this condition. In his book ‘Deva
Marundhu’ Dr S Mahadevan suggests some ayurvedic treatment options for
ADHD. He finds application of a paste of panchagandha choornam on head
and enema with dhanwanthara tailam to be effective. Regular application
is found to bring the restlessness under control.
He suggests that these children should be taught to sit still in a
place for one or two minutes initially and then the duration should be
increased. They can be taught to repeat some mantras or songs during
this period. These are some of the alternative treatment options
available for children with ADHD symptoms.
Ayurvedic Home Remedies: Home Remedies for Women - 5
Paste made of banyan tree seeds mixed in milk and taken in the mornings and evenings can help lactation.
A few drops of milk and ripe cucumber seeds are used to make a fine
paste. This paste then applied on breasts. This is found to increase
lactation in women.
Mother’s milk is the best food for the newborn child. It is a
medicine for diarrhea, skin allergies, and has excellent nutritional
value. Research has shown that women can put off pregnancy as long as
they keep breastfeeding the child. So this is a natural birth control
method. Also chances of breast cancer decrease in mothers who breastfeed
their newborns.
Milk gets engorged in breasts when there is a considerable time lapse
between feeding. For instance, women working in offices cannot
breastfeed their child frequently. Alternatively if the child avoids
breast milk for unknown reasons, the breast gets engorged with milk.
This will turn into a very painful condition when left unattended.
Maasikkai (Aleppo oak seeds) paste is applied on breasts and nipples
to alleviate pain. Similarly tamarind leaves made to a paste and mixed
with sesame oil can be applied on breasts. Dry kuppaimeni leaves can be
taken with milk and sugar. This tends to relieve the pain.
Cracked Nipples
The delicate breast skin and nipple breaks easily with improper
feeding technique.When left unattended, this can lead to breast sores
and infection. Maasikkai (Aleppo Oak seed) comes in handy to take care
of this painful condition. A paste of this seed applied on the nipples
can help in quick healing of sores.
To dry up breast milk
Children need breast milk for at least six months, but it is
advisable to prolong this period and breastfeed as long as it is
possible. Beyond six months, the quantity of milk may not be enough for
the child. So the child’s diet should be complemented with other foods.
Breasts are covered with Pichi flowers or jasmine flowers for drying
up of breast milk. The flowers can be placed inside the brassier till
they wilt. Similarly cabbage leaves have also been found to serve the
purpose. Women apply neem oil, aloe vera juice on breasts to induce
aversion in children who refuse to give up breast milk.
Female Infertility
Female infertility can be due to genetic reasons, improper or
incomplete development or malfunctioning of internal sex
organs. Sexually transmitted diseases, smoking are some extrinsic causes
that lead to infertility. Obesity also leads to this condition.
Females in general are fertile in their early 20s up to late
30s. There is a gradual decrease in fertility and by age 40, most women
become infertile.
Triphala choornam is found to be effective in treating some forms of
female infertility. The powder is mixed in water and taken in the
mornings and evenings.Pirandai juice is also helpful in dealing with
female infertility.
Medicinal Benefits of Curry Leaves
Indian cuisine makes use of mint, coriander leaves, curry leaves etc
to add flavour and aroma to the spicy recipes. Though not a part of the
greens, curry leaves has all the nutritive value found in greens and
Also known as sweet neem leaves, curry leaves has vitamin A, vitamin
B, vitamin B2, vitamin C, calcium and iron in plenty. This is an ideal
herb for people suffering from the ill effects of diabetes. Diabetes
patients often suffer from frequent vertigo. There may be aches and
pains in the upper and lower limbs coupled with impaired vision. These
patients should take curry leaves at frequent intervals to overcome
these problems. Kashayam made of curry leaves dried in shade and
powdered is a very potent remedy that helps stabilize glucose levels in a
diabetic patient.
An excellent remedy made using curry leaves is found to be very
effective in treating diarrhea. For this purpose 40 gm of curry leaves
and 10 gm of cumin seeds are ground to a fine paste and taken orally.
This should be followed by drinking a glass of warm water. A teaspoon of
honey is taken after 10 minutes.
This regimen is continued three to four times a day.
Cholesterol levels in edible oils can be reduced to a large extent by
making use of a handful of curry leaves. One kilogram of the oil is
boiled with 15-20 curry leaves and then filtered. This is said to bring
down cholesterol level in oils. This oil can then be used in preparing
food stuff. Increase in cholesterol can lead to obesity, increase in
blood pressure, lethargy and other ill effects.
The young generation of this decade consume a lot of junk food which
have no nutritive value. Due to chemicals and other spurious additives
found in foodstuff, no wonder a sizeable portion of youngsters both male
and female suffer from premature graying of hair. Curry leaves come as a
boon in such situations. Youngsters should not throw away curry leaves
found in various Indian food recipes. Eating these curry leaves and
making it a practice will help to ward off gray hair. Children should be
taught to eat curry leaves at a tender age.
I would like to share a popular remedy, a hair oil for premature
graying. Heat a litre of coconut or sesame oil and drop 10 to 20 curry
leaves into the oil.
Remove from heat when it reaches boiling point. This oil is then
stored in bottles and used as hair oil before bathing. Apply this oil
liberally on the scalp and allow it to soak for about 15-20 minutes.
Wash the hair with a mild shampoo or shikkakai powder. Follow this
regimen once or twice a week.
Curry leaves can be used to treat a tasteless tongue. Excessive use
of antibiotics, indigestion etc can result in loss of taste. A handful
of curry leaves along with ginger, salt, garlic, tamarind and chillies,
is ground to a fine paste. This is then mixed with hot rice. A few
helpings of this mixture help arouse the taste buds. This is repeated
two to three times a day till the condition improves.
Ayurvedic Home Remedies: Home Remedies for Children – 1
No one will deny the fact that children are the joy of the
family. One of the primary functions of the family is reproducing
society. The traditional assumption is that the family is an institution
for continuation of creating, nourishing and perpetuating life. The
family protects the child and provides a favorable environment for its
physical, emotional, spiritual and social development.
Healthy food is essential for a healthy body and mind. This goes a
long way in developing immunity in children. Children can be afflicted
with sudden illnesses and it is essential that parents have a basic
knowledge of remedies that can help in mitigating the situation. Some of
the common diseases that can affect children include cough and cold,
dysentery, fever, vomiting, wheezing, whooping cough etc.
Cough and Cold in Children
Children are prone to cough and cold attacks, especially if they have
a weak immunity. This is accompanied with formation of phlegm in
chest. Cough and cold afflict children mostly in winter because of easy
spreading of the disease causing virus during this time. It is
infectious and can spread to others in the family. Runny nose, sneezing,
nasal itching etc are the initial symptoms. Cough and cold can lead to
headaches, ear infection, heavy feeling on top of head etc.Chronic cough
and cold may end up in nasal polyps, tonsillitis etc.
Two drops of juice of tender nochi (Chinese Chaste tree) leaves can
be given to children along with breast milk. This induces vomiting. The
child will throw up the phlegm in the nasal passage and chest.
Karpooravalli (Indian Borage, Oregano) is an excellent expectorant
and diaphoretic. Three to four drops of the juice of the leaves of this
herb is mixed in honey and given to kids suffering from cough and
cold. This will help expel the phlegm out. You can follow the same
process with basil leaves.
A few drops of juice of basil leaves can be given with breast milk
too. Vellai kunrimani root is cleaned and then boiled in coconut
oil. Store the cooled oil in a bottle. Smear the oil on the tongue of
kids suffering from cold and phlegm. This is an excellent expectorant.
A paste made from dried ginger powder is smeared in a thin layer on
the forehead and temples. This is very effective in relieving the heavy
headed feeling and pain in the nape.
Dry cough can spoil the sleep pattern and food intake in
children. This can lead to lethargy and dullness. One helpful remedy to
deal with all types of cough, especially dry cough is a preparation made
from turmeric and pepper. These are taken in equal quantities as
required and ground to a fine powder. This is mixed with honey and given
to children with dry cough.
Extract juice from two to three white onions. Add jaggery to this and
heat it in a pan. When it reaches a waxy consistency, remove from heat
and let it cool. This preparation is given twice a day for a couple of
days to alleviate cough and cold.
Ayurvedic Home Remedies: Medicinal Uses of Castor Oil
Couple of decades back castor oil was extensively used for treating
ailments afflicting people of all ages from newborns to old folks. A
drop or two of castor oil was applied on the fontanel of the newborn.
Castor oil was applied over the eyes before bathing the newborn. The
child was fed milk mixed with castor oil once in two or three days. Up
to the age of 12, children were given castor oil once in a month with
coffee as part of stomach cleansing. In case of boils that occur during
the summer season, castor oil is mixed in hot rice and made into a
poultice and applied on the affected areas.
In case of anxiety coupled with palpitation and burning sensation on
top of head due to excessive thinking etc, a teaspoon of castor oil can
be allowed to soak on the top of head. This is said to relieve mental
tension, anxiety and burning sensation on the crown of the head.
When small children suffer from unexpected stomach pain due to
indigestion or body heat, instill two to three drops of castor oil into
the belly button and gently massage the area in a circular motion two or
three times. This brings the pain under control very quickly.
One forgotten use of castor oil is its application on sprained areas
followed by hot water fomentation. This quickly heals sprains.
Castor oil and turmeric powder is mixed thoroughly to form a paste
which is applied on cracked heels or foot fissures. This is done before
going to bed.
In case of choked throat one simple remedy is to prepare a paste of
castor oil and slaked lime and apply a thin layer externally on the
throat area before going to bed. This quickly clears choked throat.
In case of gas in stomach a take a glass of milk after adding a
teaspoon of castor oil to it. Another alternative is to chew and gulp
down a spoonful of cumin seeds followed by intake of a mixture of 20
drops of lemon juice, 20 drops of ginger juice and 8 drops of honey.
This is another time tested remedy for gas.
Ayurvedic Home Remedies: Medicinal Uses of Oils
Oil massage once a week helps in relieving body pain, joint pains
etc. Just a couple of decades back people in Tamil Nadu used to
religiously follow this regimen to keep themselves free of joint pains
and body pains. Now with the hectic lifestyle people are not able to set
aside the time needed for a relaxing weekly oil massage. It has reached
a stage where application of oil to the body or hair is viewed as a
hassle and conveniently bypassed.
Oil prepared with herbs like nocchi, basil, cumin seeds, vadha
narayana keerai, kuppaimeni etc is very effective in relieving body
pain. Regular massage with this medicated oil strengthens the muscles
and removes stagnant toxins. Kuppaimeni is a well known herb for its
action on skin conditions like eczema, blackheads etc. For relief form
body pain and joint pain, massage this oil on the affected area and then
follow it with warm water fomentation.
Medicinal Benefits of Castor Oil
Castor oil is used for lighting up temple lamps in Tamil Nadu. It is
also used as a medicine. Castor oil is given to pregnant women and
children for easy elimination and to avoid constipation. There is a
saying in Tamil which stresses the importance of oil. 'Vaithiyanukku
koduppathai vaaniyanukku kodu'. If you spend money on oils, you can save
money treating diseases and ailments. This stresses the role of oil in
preventing various ailments.
Ayurvedic texts stress the importance of ‘Virechana’ a bowel
cleansing process once in six months. Castor oil is used a purgative for
this purpose. Castor oil is also used in treating stomach pain, abdomen
pain, body heat etc. Castor oil is applied liberally in the naval area
around the belly button for this purpose. This is said to bring down the
body heat as well as relieve stomach pain etc.
In case of inflammation of the eye due to body heat, redness etc,
castor oil is mixed with mother's milk and instilled into the eyes. This
rapidly cures the redness of eyes. Castor oil is also used in treating
dysentery due to 'body heat'. 'Sweet flag' is burnt in castor oil lamp
and the ash obtained in mixed in honey and given to the person suffering
from dysentery.
Constipation is considered to be the root cause of most of the
diseases that afflict modern man. Fast food is one of the prime cause
for constipation.
Constipation leads to formation of hemorrhoids or piles.
Castor oil is used extensively in treating constipation. It expels
accumulation of gas in stomach. It drives out intestinal worms and
pacifies vata. It relieves mental tension and cools the body and mind.
A Simple Ayurvedic Home Remedy for Bloated Stomach
Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of diet and lifestyle to lead a
disease free life. By diet it means intake of fresh as well as cooked
vegetables and fruits and avoidance of non-vegetarian food. By lifestyle
it means observance of certain basics like exercise, yoga etc.
Even intake of vegetarian food is to be in moderation, Ayurveda
insists. If not, it leads to indigestion, bloated stomach, improper
assimilation of food etc.
One simple ayurvedic home remedy for simple bloated stomach, indigestion etc is given below.
Take 20 drops of lemon, 20 drops of grated ginger juice and 7 drops
of honey. Mix them together and keep it ready. Now take a spoonful of
cumin seeds and chew them thoroughly. Swallow down the chewed cumin
seeds and immediately drink the lemon, ginger honey mix. This will clear
the bloated stomach and indigestion due to overeating in minutes.
Traditional Remedy for Bloated Stomach
Take 100 gm of coriander seeds and 25 gm cumin seeds. Powder these
seeds to a fine consistency and mix them thoroughly. Take a spoonful of
this powder and add it to a glass of milk. This is an excellent remedy
for a bloated stomach.
Ashta choornam is an Ayurvedic preparation for gas and bloated
stomach. Half teaspoon of ashtachoornam is mixed with a bolus of hot
rice and taken before the main course. A bit of ghee can be added to
this. This is found to stimulate appetite. It helps in proper bowel
elimination. It arrests diarrhea due to indigestion. It prevents
accumulation of gas in stomach.
One way to prevent formation of gas is to take food based on one's
intake capacity. One rule of thumb is to have solids half the stomach,
25% water and the remaining 25% be left empty. This should be found out
through personal experience. Ayurveda discourages eating to full.
Ayurvedic Tips for Constipation
One reason for constipation is frequent intake of foods that do not
have the necessary viscosity or laxity. Intake of such foods regularly
for a few days leads to absence of viscosity in intestines, resulting in
hardening of stools which ultimately ends up as constipation.
Suppressing the urge to defecate also leads to constipation in the
long run. Similarly exerting oneself to defecte when there is no urge is
also harmful.
Absence of exercise results in inaction of rib muscles and this can also lead to constipation.
The posture adopted to defecate can also result in improper
defecation. Our forefathers adopted a squatting posture which helped to
dilate the anus naturally and it resulted in better and fuller
evacuation of the bowels. When using a western closet this does not
happen as you have to sit on it like on a chair.
These are some of the reasons for constipation. From this it is quite
obvious that changing your diet and adopting an active lifestyle which
includes daily exercise can cure constipation to a large extent.
A Natural Remedy For Constipation
Following signs and symptoms indicate constipation:
No bowel movement at least once a day, gas formation (bloated
stomach), drowsiness, pain in the abdomen, heaviness in stomach, mucus
coated tongue, headache, loss of appetite, nausea, vertigo, palpitation.
The aggravation of vata causes constipation. Improper eating habits
including eating food which is difficult to digest (such as meat) and
not eating enough fibrous foods like vegetables and salads lead to
Irregular sleeping habits or emotional disturbances (stress, grief,
fear or worry) are other causes for the obstruction of the passage of
stool, accumulation of toxins in the colon or excessive stimulation of
the nervous system.
Smoking, consuming too much tea and coffee, intake of prescription or illicit drugs can also cause constipation.
Take 5-6 dry grapes preferably black. Soak them in a glass of water
and keep it overnight. Next day first thing in the morning after
performing your brushing etc. eat the swollen grapes and also drink the
grape soaked water. Do this for a week and constipation will be a thing
of the past.
Easily digestible food should be taken. Also take plenty of fruits,
vegetables and salads. Whole grain bread and cereals will certainly help
in lightening the digestive pressure. Regular physical exercise is
important for maintaining proper bowel movement. Sleeping hours should
be regulated.
Ayurvedic Home Remedies: Home Remedies for Children – 1
No one will deny the fact that children are the joy of the
family. One of the primary functions of the family is reproducing
society. The traditional assumption is that the family is an institution
for continuation of creating, nourishing and perpetuating life. The
family protects the child and provides a favorable environment for its
physical, emotional, spiritual and social development.
Healthy food is essential for a healthy body and mind. This goes a
long way in developing immunity in children. Children can be afflicted
with sudden illnesses and it is essential that parents have a basic
knowledge of remedies that can help in mitigating the situation. Some of
the common diseases that can affect children include cough and cold,
dysentery, fever, vomiting, wheezing, whooping cough etc.
Cough and Cold in Children
Children are prone to cough and cold attacks, especially if they have
a weak immunity. This is accompanied with formation of phlegm in
chest. Cough and cold afflict children mostly in winter because of easy
spreading of the disease causing virus during this time. It is
infectious and can spread to others in the family. Runny nose, sneezing,
nasal itching etc are the initial symptoms. Cough and cold can lead to
headaches, ear infection, heavy feeling on top of head etc.Chronic cough
and cold may end up in nasal polyps, tonsillitis etc.
Two drops of juice of tender nochi (Chinese Chaste tree) leaves can
be given to children along with breast milk. This induces vomiting. The
child will throw up the phlegm in the nasal passage and chest.
Karpooravalli (Indian Borage, Oregano) is an excellent expectorant
and diaphoretic. Three to four drops of the juice of the leaves of this
herb is mixed in honey and given to kids suffering from cough and
cold. This will help expel the phlegm out. You can follow the same
process with basil leaves.
A few drops of juice of basil leaves can be given with breast milk
too. Vellai kunrimani root is cleaned and then boiled in coconut
oil. Store the cooled oil in a bottle. Smear the oil on the tongue of
kids suffering from cold and phlegm. This is an excellent expectorant.
A paste made from dried ginger powder is smeared in a thin layer on
the forehead and temples. This is very effective in relieving the heavy
headed feeling and pain in the nape.
Dry cough can spoil the sleep pattern and food intake in
children. This can lead to lethargy and dullness. One helpful remedy to
deal with all types of cough, especially dry cough is a preparation made
from turmeric and pepper. These are taken in equal quantities as
required and ground to a fine powder. This is mixed with honey and given
to children with dry cough.
Extract juice from two to three white onions. Add jaggery to this and
heat it in a pan. When it reaches a waxy consistency, remove from heat
and let it cool. This preparation is given twice a day for a couple of
days to alleviate cough and cold.
Home Remedies For Cough the Siddha Way
(a) Take three leaves of Adathodai(ADATHODA VASICA) cut them into
small pieces, and put the pieces into a vessel. Add two teaspoon full of
honey and fry the content until some pleasant smell comes. At that
stage add the following - coarsely powdered Athimathuram (Jamaica
liquorice) 1 piece Thippli (Piper longum) 1 pinch Thalisapathri
(Flucourtia calaphracta) 1/2 gm Chitharathai (galanga the lesser) 3
piece then add 4 glasses of water and boil, reduce to 1/2 glass.
Dose: 1/2 glass two times a day.
(b) Take 2 glasses of water. Add the following drugs, Adathodai
leaves (Adathoda Vasica) three numbers, Kandankathiri leaves (Solanum
Xanthocarpum) five numbers. Thulasi (holy basil) leaves five numbers
Thoothuvalai (Trilobatum) leaves ten numbers and 3 gm of Athimathuram
(Jamaica liquorice) after roughly powdering them boil and reduce into
1/2 glass.
Dose: 1/2 glass two times a day with honey.
(c) 10 gms., of the root of Thoothuvalai (Trilobatum), grind with cow's milk and to be taken in the morning.
(d) Adathodai leaves juice 30 ml. (ADATHODA VASICA) , Finely powdered
Milagu(pepper) 6 gms., Perungayam (asafoetida) 1 gm. mix all and take
in the morning and evening.
(e) Chronic cough will be relieved when 2 gm of powder made out of
equal quantity of Kadukkai (Chebulic myrobolan, Ink nut) and "Thippli"
(Piper longum) administered in honey twice daily.